[Year 12 IT Apps] OT: Computer rollover

Russell Edwards edwards.russell.t at edumail.vic.gov.au
Wed Aug 8 19:54:03 EST 2007

On 08/08/2007, at 5:51 PM, Brendyn Hancock wrote:
> My experience has been that recovering $$$ from student internet users
> has only ever been token. Its more that you are teaching them
> responsible use of costly resources than it is a significant income.

I can see the reasoning behind the above... but on the other hand I  
don't see why schools are so fussed about their internet bills, nor  
why they advocate a user-pays system for the internet but nothing  
else. The internet is more useful than the library in most subjects  
other than, perhaps, English. How much does the library cost to run  
per year? And, how much does IT support cost per year? People seem to  
stress out about internet bills < $10k/year. I would have thought in  
consideration of the amount spent on library and IT staff, the  
Internet would be worth having even at $100k/year. (And no, the  
Education Channel doesn't count as "the Internet" in my view.) When  
you consider that the staffing costs overall for a school of 1000  
pupils must be in the millions of dollars per year, 10k is peanuts!!

Am I missing something?

Whittlesea SC

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