[Informatics] VCAA Practice Exam - Sect. C, Q1, Sect. B, Q4.

Benn POLLOCK pol at wantirnacollege.vic.edu.au
Mon Oct 10 16:07:46 AEDT 2016

Hello All,

Looking for some feedback on the VCAA Inforamtics Sample exam. As there is
no sample answers I'm just unsure on some questions as to what the best
response would be.

*Section C - Q1A* -
State the condition(s) that would cause the paths labelled B to be followed.

Is this as simple as - *The user is able to return to the beginning of the
purchasing process at the end (display total cost) if they decide they wish
to edit their order. *

I feel somewhat dumb that this question is troubling me the most as it's
only 1 mark and I find the rest of the exam somewhat easy.

*Section B - Q4* - key words here to me are *efficient and accurately.* She
is trying to put information from 300 photos into a spreadsheet/database to
help her identify how many of each different house type there was in what
decade. I was thinking along the lines of developing a spreadsheet/access
with the appropriate fields/rows (decade & house type) and then "codifying"
each the photo into the appropriate category - followed by using a COUNTIF
or a Query (if using Access) to generate a count of different types of
houses as per Q4b. Then i thought, is this *efficient*? It seems like it
would take a long time to do this - but how else do you convert visual
data, into text quickly?? What are your thoughts on this?

Maybe i'm having a "brain fart" moment and missing something more obvious

Looking forward to your feedback.
Cheers :)
*Benn Pollock*
*Year 9 Level Leader*
VCE Computing & Informatics Teacher

*Ph.* *9801-9700*
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