[Informatics] Algorithms to sift through employee job applications and other items

Paul Pascoe passyworld at hotmail.com
Sat Oct 8 10:24:08 AEDT 2016

Sorry if you get this twice.

The Age online IT page has interesting articles on it, but they all seem to be old ones from the end of 2015.

They still might be of interest:

Interesting article about algorithms being used to sift through job applications. More disruptive technology.


Malware collecting credit card details from payment systems  (happened to a few different comanies in 2015, including Home Depot and Target in the USA).



Hilton payment systems hit by malware<http://www.theage.com.au/it-pro/security-it/hilton-hotel-group-payment-systems-hit-by-malware-20151124-gl7caw.html>
Hilton advises customers to check their bank statements after malware incident.

Paul Pascoe

ICT/Multimedia Teacher

St Francis Xavier College

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