[Informatics] The CIA Secret to Cybersecurity That No One Seems to Get | WIRED

Mark mark at vceit.com
Thu Jan 21 10:48:40 AEDT 2016

Yes. The sooner passwords become ancient, loathed technology the better.

On 21 January 2016 at 10:14, Roland Gesthuizen <rgesthuizen at gmail.com>

> Hope you are all enjoying the summer break. Here is an interesting article.
> http://www.wired.com/2015/12/the-cia-secret-to-cybersecurity-that-no-one-seems-to-get
> Network and Infrastructure security basics are an important foundation but
> you don't reinforce system by just making it harder to get in. The
> Banking System went through these growing pains a while ago and the answer
> wasn't by mandating complex 7 PIN number for EFPOS, weekly password
> rotations or even more biometrics on plastic cards. The lesson was to
> improve their system integrity to catch them once they break in.
> You can add multiple layers of locks, a burglar only has to find one
> vulnerability and entry point. As I see it, much of the problem is the
> closed-source security code that has everybody guessing about how it
> exactly works and what is inside (don’t even get me started on electronic
> voting systems).
> The cat flap isn’t the problem, it’s Schrödinger's cat.
> Regards Roland
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Mark Kelly

mark at vceit.com
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