[Informatics] The SAT: Cat bites and depression

Bill Oldham 0woldham8 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 27 14:11:03 AEDT 2015

Hi Mark,

It's interesting the ways that retired teachers fill in their new found

Bill Oldham (retired from RMIT in 2013)

On 27 December 2015 at 13:41, Mark <mark at vceit.com> wrote:

> Oh, and here's a weird little study showing how to create an elegant
> experiment that manipulates the independent variable to observe the effects
> on the dependent variable.
> Ants on stilts...
> http://www.livescience.com/871-ants-marching-count-steps.html
> (And I hypothesise that the taller boy ants were more attractive to the
> girl ants at the post-experiment ant party.)
> On 27 December 2015 at 13:33, Mark <mark at vceit.com> wrote:
>> Hi, hypothesisors
>> In an effort to find engaging hypotheses and statistics for introducing
>> the SAT to kids, I have found this:
>> Cat bites are linked to depression.
>> A study of 1.3 million health records showed that 47% of women and 24% of
>> men  who suffered cat bites severe enough to need medical treatment were
>> diagnosed with depression - compared to 9% in the general population.
>> But do cat bites cause depression, or does depression cause the owning of
>> cats?
>> Or is the relationship between the variables even more complex?
>> - The original study
>> <http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0070585>
>> - A psych viewpoint
>> <http://psychcentral.com/blog/archives/2014/02/24/does-cat-bite-mean-you-also-have-depression/>
>> - A newspaper report
>> <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2524993/Why-cat-bite-trigger-depression.html>
>> ​Kids might find it interesting to investigate the possible causal
>> relationships, the various hypotheses that can be formulated, and the ways
>> in which statistics are used in the sources.​
>> P.S. I also found this <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJlualhdUpc> but
>> it's not quite as relevant.​​
>> --
>> Mark Kelly
>> mark at vceit.com
>> http://vceit.com
> --
> Mark Kelly
> mark at vceit.com
> http://vceit.com
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