[Informatics] You want exemplary hypotheses to prepare kids for the SAT?

Mark mark at vceit.com
Sun Dec 27 14:29:30 AEDT 2015

Hypotheses from recent mesmerising Ig Nobel Awards
<http://www.improbable.com/ig/winners> ...

​regardless of size, ​
nearly all mammals
empty their bladders in about 21 seconds (plus or minus 13 seconds)

- acute appendicitis can be accurately diagnosed by the amount of pain
evident when the patient is driven over speed bumps.*

- people who habitually stay up late are, on average, more self-admiring,
more manipulative, and more psychopathic than people who rise early in the

- is it mentally hazardous for a human being to own a cat?

- when dogs defecate and urinate, they prefer to align their body axis with
Earth's north-south geomagnetic field lines**

​- listening to opera improves the survival of mice undergoing heart

​drunk ​
people think they are attractive

*And finally, a Swedish/Australian joint prize winner in the the
unusually-conjoined fields of Biology and Astronomy: ​*

​- ​
when dung beetles get lost, they can navigate their way home by looking at
the Milky Way.

​So many hypotheses. So little time.

​As usual, feel free to skip the footnotes.​

* I can hear across Victoria, "Honey? Where's the stopwatch? I gotta pee."​

I can personally attest to the appendicitis hypothesis.
​Try it:
 a bumpy bus from Bulleen to the city with what turns out to be a burst
appendix. It's
*​​hours* of fun
​... and then near-fatal surgery​

**** I
 up late, yet I am *delightful* and universally-known for my *kindness* and
*beneficence*. And, yes - I'm certainly *not* psychopathic, and there's
no-one alive who can prove otherwise... I made sure of that.

**** T
his study also references the topic in
my previous post about cat bite depression.

​ I know I do.​

​****** Dare I say, '
*​​Die Fledermaus*
*​*' by Strauss?​  hehehe.

Mark Kelly

mark at vceit.com
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