[Technical] det notebooks image (and vista)

Jason Clarke JCL at gwsc.vic.edu.au
Wed Jul 16 15:15:10 EST 2008

Maaaaaaaaaaaybe :-)

With the amount of rollouts being done at the moment I'm looking to save
any time we can. 70 DEECD notebooks is going to hurt.

As for vista, I'd like to push vista.. Personally, Business Enterprise
works for me.

On our desktops though, all but our most recent purchase (Jan 08) have
no hope of running it. Our tech admin / av desktops/laptops are running
Vista though.

Feel free to Ghost your own images to them (they could be XP too ... in
fact there's an Eduarchitecture XP Ghost image you could adapt)... you
guys at GWSC tend to do your own thing anyway, right, Jase?  ;-)


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