[Technical] Re: [Year 12 IT Apps] VB express installation

Clark, Ian C clark.ian.c at edumail.vic.gov.au
Tue May 22 09:32:00 EST 2007

>>> grimshaw.andrew.j at edumail.vic.gov.au 21/05/2007 6:58 pm >>>

my technician and I are having trouble installing VB 2005 express
edition on our classroom computers

i installed it on my laptop and have been learning it myself in order
to teach it to the yr 11s 

my technician tried to install it onto the classroom comptuers but it
wasnt able to make the internet connection it needed to do the install -
we couldnt figure out why

has any1 else had similar problems? if so, how did u overcome it?

thx in advance

Hi Andrew,

You may only have the 'stub' installer ... a small file that actually
does the full install over the Net ...


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