[Technical] NOS Switchover Query

Russell Curr RUSSELL at avila.vic.edu.au
Thu Jul 19 08:43:38 EST 2007

Hi Daniel,

you are most welcome.  Tuesdays would be the best day for me - less encumbered with classes. Gives me some suitable dates and we can then make arrangements.

We have both staff Mac laptops (owned by staff) and a class set of Mac laptops, plus a few iMacs.  We have not configured the staff laptops to automatically attach to the network, although staff can login to Novell and access their home folders, via the wireless points around the school.  I have an iMac on my desk that I am using for most of my day to day work, and we have this setup to authenticate via Netware. And I also run  XP via Vmware on the Mac so I can write reports with Markbook.  I have been doing this for several months with no significant issues.


Russell Curr
Network Manager
Avila College
Ph: 9831-9645
Fax: 03-9888-1202
email: russell at avila.vic.edu.au

>>> dstefyn at gmail.com 07/18/07 4:01 pm >>>
Hi Russell,

We run a pretty similar setup here at Westall, but I'm interested in how you
manage the Mac authentication into Novell. A few staff have macbook laptops
and so far we have been using windows virtual machines to do the Novell
integration, anything easier would have a strong ease of use bonus.

I understand Swinburne are also pretty heavily into Novell and Groupwise,
I'm wondering how you'd respond to allowing a site visit to have a look over
your setup and possibly seeing if we can arrange any mutual technology

Daniel Stefyn

On 7/17/07, Russell Curr <RUSSELL at avila.vic.edu.au> wrote:
> ..and similar here Keith.  We have Novell, Windows, and Linux
> servers.  All authentication done via Novell; email on Groupwise, but use
> Linux for Moodle, Squid, Sarg, CUPS, PaperCut (to manage printing and web
> credits - works a treat).  And we are starting to deploy Mac workstations
> (laptops and desktop systems) that authenticate into Novell.  Have also
> started using VMserver after using VMworkstation for a couple of years.
> cheers
> Russell
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Russell Curr
> Network Manager
> Avila College
> Ph: 9831-9645
> Fax: 03-9888-1202
> email: russell at avila.vic.edu.au 
> -------------------------------------------------------
> >>> rgesthuizen at gmail.com 07/17/07 11:39 am >>>
> Same here Keith, we run a hybrid network that happily supports Novell,
> Windows and Linux servers and a mix of workstations. Authentication by
> Novell, application distribution and reimaging by Zenworks, print charging
> with pcounter, some dedicated applications on a Windows server
> (bibliotech,
> markbook etc), Linux (mail / moodle / drupal / sarg / squid / squidguard
> etc). I took some cues from Monash and Swinburne that run similar Novell
> networks (where our Tech comes from).
> Of course this isn't Highlander
> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highlander_%2528film%2529>and we are looking
> to support a school, not a SOHO <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SOHO_network 
> >
> network.
> Instead, give some thought now towards virtualising and migrating all your
> your network servers using VMWare technology. No reason you cannot run all
> these happily together on the one or two physical servers. Once done, you
> can step back and reexamine your network services once hardware is removed
> from the equation and the focus is put back onto services. :-)
> Regards Roland
> On 16/07/07, Keith Richardson <keithcr at fastmail.fm> wrote:
> >
> > Hi everyone - just back in Oz after 3 months away OS. Loved it, but have
> > come down to Earth with a thud...
> > I am investigating switching our network from Novell to Microsoft 2003
> > Server.
> > Any advice?
> > Cheers, Keith
> > Keith Richardson
> >
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> --
> Roland Gesthuizen - ICT Coordinator - Westall Secondary College
> http://www.westallsc.vic.edu.au 
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