[Technical] Proxy Group Policy dynamic removal

Clark, Ian C clark.ian.c at edumail.vic.gov.au
Wed Jun 1 13:46:06 EST 2005

-----Original Message-----
From: tech-bounces at edulists.com.au [mailto:tech-bounces at edulists.com.au]On Behalf Of Grant Frazer
Sent: Wednesday, 1 June 2005 12:31 PM
To: tech at fhc.vic.edu.au
Subject: [Technical] Proxy Group Policy dynamic removal

Hi All, 
We have laptops which log on to our network and are also used by the staff members on their home network for broadband access.  We use Groups Policy Objects under our Active Directory to set the proxy server and exceptions for the staff members to be able to access the internet from our network, is there a way of automatically removing the proxy GPO when they log off so that when the staff members log onto their laptop at home they won't have to remove the proxy settings in their browser so that they can access their home network?

Hi Grant,

There are ways of manually switching between use proxy/don't use proxy. You can use a shortcut to a registry setting, or use a utility like IBM Access Manager or NetSwitcher or the "click here" proxy switching extensions for Firefox or the Maxthon shell on Internet Explorer.

But one thing you could try (I haven't) is making the notebook's local policy use no proxy as a default (run gpedit.msc, go to User Configuration, Windows Settings, Internet Explorer Maintenance, Connection, Proxy Settings).

In a domain logon, that setting should be overwritten by the Group Policy with your school proxy server, but at home, hopefully the local policy kicks in instead.

Otherwise, some scripting at logon/logoff might be called for.

  At this point we are not considering the option of the staff member logging on to the local computer as opposed to domain side of the laptop as this has proven to be confusing for the staff.

That's my preferred way, too, Grant. Just one consistent domain logon, at home or at work.


TSP IT Specialist,
Surrey Hills Subnetwork

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