[Technical] Re: Re: [Year 12 IPM] VELS and ICT *An Attempt to Model an Ideal Working Relationship

Keith Richardson keithcr at fastmail.fm
Tue Jul 26 17:57:48 EST 2005

Wow, Phil, we are really hitting high gear here!
Much of this seems to be a chicken-or-the-egg dilemma, not knowing what
to address first, but to my mind the following sequence (and
limitations) applies:

1. First of all, the EQUIPMENT must be reliable, and effective
(hardware, software, operating systems, netware, processes, Internet
access, content management system) or the teachers will easily get
frustrated and return to methods that they know and are more confident
with (LIMITATION- having fantastic equipment is not sufficient.
Equipment alone does NOT make high quality ICT-integrated pedagogy
happen. The teachers must want to do it, must be able to do it, and must
know how to make maximum effective use of the changed circumstances and

2. Then, teachers must be made AWARE that there are other highly
effective ways of geting kids to learn that make innovative, leveraged,
constructionist and constrictivist approaches to pedagogy. (LIMITATION -
excellent MODELS are required, that are understandable, that fit easily
into the teacher's value structure as related to good pedagogical
practices, that teachers see as being do-able and worth the considerable
effort required to convince themselves, significant others, their
Administration, their classes, their parents. These models must be
available on-demand, as and when required.)

3. Finally, the many various SOLUTIONS (combinations of software and
procedures) require the DEVELOPMENT of ICT knowledge and skills in the
teachers. They also need to be able to know which ones to use for
various pedagogical situations, fitting the demands to the available
opportunities. (LIMITATION - It is hard to be all-knowing before the
event, being able to bring to mind highly suitable ICT for each
pedagogical/curriculum challenge. Suggestions need to be readily
available in a suitable searchable form.)

I am absolutely delighted by the way this thread is developing, although
I am picking it up from a number of different lists (IPM, Moodle, Yr
7&8, IS) so some readers may be missing bits and pieces. Pity that!
Regards, Keith Richardson

On Tue, 26 Jul 2005 07:51:26 +1000, "Philip Brown"
<BROWN-PH at oxley.vic.edu.au> said:
> Hi Keith and others,
> I agree with Keith's ideas of 'With-ICT and 'About *ICT' but there are
> more issues at stake than the notion that if we abandon the teaching of
> computer skills and formal training of usage  we will see a watering down
> of computer skills.  An excellent paper which I am reading (BEYOND THE
> HORSELESS CARRIAGE: Harnessing the potential of ICT in education and
> training by Gerry White) helps to illustrate my point of view. As ICT
> teachers I think we need to think beyond our methods, embrace the future
> and be prepared to make changes. Consider the following quotes in
> italics: Too often, schools simply applied technology to existing ways of
> teaching and learning, with marginal results in student achievement (US
> Dept of Education, p4, 2004). Technologies of digitisation have the
> potential to transform learning relationships for the better, but this
> potential needs to be harnessed (ACDE, p1, 2004) The problem is * lack of
> adequate training and lack of understanding of how computers can be used
> to enrich the learning experience (US Dept of Education, p22, 2004).
> Bosco (2004) argues that the promise of ICT will only be realised when
> changes in four key areas can occur: curriculum, pedagogy, organisational
> structure and technology itself. He further contends that curriculum
> integration is the key to effective use of ICT not achievement. "The
> issue of whether computers and other allied technologies yield increased
> student achievement is secondary. The primary issue is the validity of
> the curriculum itself. Improving the effectiveness of instruction on
> content that is irrelevant, antiquated, or trivial is hardly a
> commendable goal. Thus, curriculum * what to teach * takes precedence
> over pedagogy * how to teach it. When the curriculum as it currently
> stands is accepted as a given, school reform is stillborn" (Bosco, p7,
> 2004). There are five messages at play which have implications for
> technology utilisation in the education and training sectors: a lack of
> take-up of ICT in education and training even though using ICT is
> prolific elsewhere, andnew capabilities and capacities that can be
> realised using ICT * and the need to: understand the connected nature and
> use of technology in shaping learning experiencesovercome the
> restrictions of the print tradition in constructing knowledge, andadopt a
> communal and shared approach to the construction of knowledge. Given the
> above, and the opportunities that ICT can enable in education and
> training, this paper argues that a new theory of learning, to provide a
> pedagogical framework for the digital age which is based on
> connectedness, is required urgently. In order to develop new ways of
> learning within such a framework, educators must understand what is
> happening as education and training is transformed by the use of ICT.
> This applies to us. As ICT teachers we should be positioning ourselves to
> be leaders as we (most likely) have the skills to empower the uptake of
> greater integration of ICT in the curriculum * and I'm not just taking
> about using Excel in a maths or science class.  DfES in its 2002 document
> Transforming the Way We Learn suggests that ICT enabled learning provides
> new opportunities to: access digital teaching and learning resources at
> home and at school' - an issue that relates to wide community access to
> resources for learners simplify the administration of learning' - a
> comment on managed learning environments modernise and remodel the
> teaching profession' - which acknowledges the central role of teachers
> but is a comment on new skills required to make the most of the digital
> systems develop and gain recognition for skills' - a comment on the place
> of ICT in the curriculum and the need to develop ICT pedagogy alongside
> the changing curriculum raise standards through innovation' - which
> focusses on leadership and suggests that where ICT is used effectively
> then learners are advantaged and performing above targets promote and
> develop their school' - points to the obvious benefit of being connected
> to the local community more effectively than in the past (DfES, p14-21,
> 2002). These broad ranging opportunities indicate ways in which school
> learning can be transformed taking into account equity, community and
> learner participation in the life of a school.(Departrrient for Education
> and Skills (DfES). Transforming the way we learn: A vision for the future
> ofICT in schools, NGfL, 2002.) A study undertaken by BECTa (2004) in the
> UK, examines a number of ways to utilise ICT with curriculum and teaching
> practices. This study concludes that although there have been gains in
> the number of innovative and experienced teachers able to use specific
> ICT resources to improve student attainment, generally: ·        
> Teachers need to understand the relationship between a range of ICT
> resources and the detailed concepts, processes and skills in their
> subjectand·         * teachers need to know how to integrate ICT into
> their pedagogical practices to complement  the other teaching and
> learning activities and improve students' attainment (Cox, Webb, et al,
> p96, 2004). The evidence emerging from practical observations of the
> implementation of learning resources developed by The Le at rning Federation
> (TLF) are much more illustrative of the advantages of ICT in education.
> They [teachers] acknowledged the instructional design elements embedded
> in the learning objects: interactivity, scaffolded cognitive support,
> self-paced learning and immediate feedback assist student learning (TLF,
> p34, 2004). The references for the italicized quotes can be found at
> http://www.furl.net/members/ahooty?enc=UTF-8&search=browse&sort=&dir=&pos=&keyword=&category=378335&date=0 
> >>> keithcr at fastmail.fm 23/7/2005 7:03:31 am >>>
> Last night I had a dream. And in that dream I saw how we might avert the
> demise of our beloved area of study - ICT.
> Death by VELS - feared by some, ignored by many - is a stark reminder
> that we must remain vigilant and be prepared to act when necessary.
> Here is my attempt to 'see' a possible future in which both can survive
> - VELS and ICT.
> I await your response.
> Keith.
> Keith Richardson
> Leibler Yavneh College
> Elsternwick Ph (03)9528 4911
> keithcr at fastmail.fm 
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Keith Richardson
Leibler Yavneh College
Elsternwick Ph (03)9528 4911
keithcr at fastmail.fm

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