[Technical] 5, 000th Visitor to the 3in6 Schools Video Competition Website

Keith Richardson keithcr at fastmail.fm
Thu Jul 21 23:26:53 EST 2005

The 3in6 website is one year old, and has reached a milestone - its
5,000th visitor.
Already in 2005 we have over 20 schools (including two from interstate)
entering teams yet by this time last year there were none (it hadn't
even started at that stage) so hopefully this year will see huge
If you know of any Primary Schools who are doing some video work with
their Yr 5/6 students, please tell them about 3in6. It is available for
them this year for the first time, following special requests from
Primary teachers. By visiting the website they will be able to find out
all information required.
This message is also going out to the ATOM teachers, some of whom
entered groups in 2004, so we hope to see many more entries coming from
that sector as well.
The website has plenty of excellent, free resources to help teachers and
students who enjoy making videos, as well as sample student-made videos
to inspire. That is probably what has lifted the total downloads to
24,672,773Kb since it all started! Wow!
Thank you for reading this 3in6 message. Please pass the information on
to teachers you feel might be interested.

Thank you.
Keith Richardson
VITTA-3in6-2005 Organizer.
Keith Richardson
IPM List Moderator
Head of ICT, Leibler Yavneh College
Ph: 03.9528.4911
k.richardson at yavneh.vic.edu.au

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