[Studioarts] Genius and Ambition: The Royal Academy of Arts, London 1768-1918 exhibition at Bendigo Art Gallery
annaa at stjohnspreston.vic.edu.au
annaa at stjohnspreston.vic.edu.au
Wed Mar 5 09:54:08 EST 2014
Hi Helen,
Is there any nudity? The school is a Christian school.
Kind Regards
Head of Arts
St Johns Preston
21-27 Railway Place West
Ph 9480 5300
----- Original Message -----
From: "VCE Studio Arts Teachers' Mailing List"
To:"studioarts at edulists.com.au"
Sent:Tue, 4 Mar 2014 22:36:10 +0000
Subject:[Studioarts] Genius and Ambition: The Royal Academy of Arts,
London 1768-1918 exhibition at Bendigo Art Gallery
Genius and Ambition: The Royal Academy of Arts, London 1768-1918 is
now open at Bendigo Art Gallery. This is a great chance to see major
paintings by British painters Gainsborough, Turner, Constable, Millet
in addition to photographs by Eadweard Muybridge and prints by Goya. A
range of education tours and workshops are available for schools.
Please visit the Bendigo Art Gallery website to peruse tour and
workshop offerings. Feel free to discuss your visit with me prior to
booking online.
Helen Attrill
Education Officer
Bendigo Art Gallery
42 View Street, Bendigo, VIC 3550, Australia
T +61 3 5434 6082 | F +61 3 5434 6200 | M +61
National Relay Service 133677 then quote 03 5434 6082
E H.attrill at Bendigo.vic.gov.au [2] | W www.bendigo.vic.gov.au [3]
www.bendigoartgallery.com.au [4] | www.facebook.com/BendigoArtGallery
Genius and Ambition: The Royal Academy of Arts, London 1768 – 1918
2 March – 9 June 2014
Tickets on sale now [6]
at Post Office Gallery
7 February – 10 August 2014
Proudly owned and operated by the City of Greater Bendigo.
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[2] mailto:H.attrill at Bendigo.vic.gov.au
[3] http://www.bendigo.vic.gov.au/
[4] http://www.bendigoartgallery.com.au/
[5] http://www.facebook.com/BendigoArtGallery
[7] http://www.bendigoartgallery.com.au/
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