[Year 12 SofDev] SD key knowledge

Mark KELLY kel at mckinnonsc.vic.edu.au
Wed Mar 9 13:21:10 EST 2011

*SD U3O1 KK04
Purposes and functions of the physical layer (Layer 1) of the OSI and the
relationship of the physical layer to the Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol model*

For quite some time now I've been avoiding this KK because I'd rather clean
a dead dog's ears than spend time on the OSI.

But in the end I had to find the cotton buds and get stuck in, and I think I
have a reasonable overview of the OSI and how TCP/IP maps to it.  (even
produced a draft slideshow <http://www.vceit.com/slideshows/SD-OSI.ppt>).

But the second part of KK04 really has me baffled: *the relationship of the
physical layer to the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol model.
I know that TCP/IP's Network interface layer maps to OSI's physical layer
(and the data link layer), but for the life of me I can't see how it's any
more significant than any of OSI's or TCP/IP's other layers.

Can someone suggest why the relationship between the OSI physical layer and
TCP/IP is so significant?
Has this relationship been in the papers?  Has this physical relationship
resulted in offspring?
Is Mr OSI going to be on Oprah... or the Jerry Springer show?

Mark Kelly
Manager of ICT, Reporting, IT Learning Area
McKinnon Secondary College
McKinnon Rd McKinnon 3204, Victoria, Australia
Direct line / Voicemail: +613 8520 9085, Fax +613 9578 9253
kel at mckinnonsc.vic.edu.au

VCE IT Lecture Notes: http://vceit.com
Moderator: IT Applications Edulist

All generalisations are false, except this one.
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