[Opensource] Running windows applications seamlessly inside Linux

victor rajewski askvictor at gmail.com
Fri May 2 17:45:59 EST 2008

On Fri, May 2, 2008 at 5:03 PM, Jack Matthews
<jack_m_matthews at hotmail.com> wrote:
>  This is really cool.  I have some questions about this which proved a
> problem last time I tried this sort of stuff. If anyone could answer it
> would be appreciated.  I have no current install of Linux but will consider
> it if this functionality is available.
> 1.  Can you use your existing WIN XP partition as the virtual drive instead
> of creating a virtual disk?

Not directly with virtualbox. I think you could convert a partition to
an image, but I don't think you can run straight off a partition. I
think VMWare (and probably others) do let you do this, though.

> 2.  Will drivers work properly through the virtual machine (I have no Linux
> drivers for some of my hardware)?

I'm pretty sure that if the device isn't working under linux, it won't
work through a linux-hosted VM.

> 3.  Will you be able to play 3D games will full video card support?

Not with VirtualBox. I think VMWare's product supports this (but
that's not free as in speech, though it is free as in beer).

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