[Moodle] Learning Management: managing learning? managing students?

Paul Shirren shirro at shirro.com
Mon Nov 9 14:43:45 EST 2009

On 9/11/09 12:52 PM, Laurie Savage wrote:
> I like having a large screen with two or three
> apps open simultaneously so I'm happy using Outlook and One Note for my
> administration. For me, and I suspect others with failing eyesight,
> usability trumps size every time.

Fair enough. Accessibility is a very important consideration. You might
like to explore ebook readers with variable font size and text-to-speech
capability if those eyes get worse :-)

If you are stuck in the office doing prep you obviously use a bigger
screen. If you are teaching a practical lesson (tech, art or PE) there
are advantages to a mobile device even if your eyes couldn't stand them
for prolonged use.

My wife can be in the middle of an Art class or out on the oval for PE
and a student arrives late and she always has her ipod around her neck.
Open bag, click, swipe, click...mark student as late, add a
comment...click, back in bag. Too easy.

Once you have used a mobile device this way being stuck on an old
fellows computer is practical in the same way that storing recipes in
BASIC on your eighties "kitchen microcomputer" loading and storing them
from compact cassette tape was practical.

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