[Moodle] Another Moodle newbie ... using it with Primary kids

Angela Harridge angelah at structuregraphs.com
Mon Oct 27 13:08:40 EST 2008

Greetings all,

I'm a newbie to this this ... and to Moodle.  I have been following your
suggestions for 'starters' closely ... thank you from me too :)

Moodle looks fantastic (if not a little scary), and I can't wait to get
stuck into it.  But, as the Primary TL and ICT person, I have to work out
how to make Moodle easy to access for the P-6 kids. Is there anyone 'out
there' who is using it in a Primary school?  If so - what sorts of things
are you doing?  - do you have the little tackers using it?

Many thanks ... in anticipation.



Angela Harridge
Primary Teacher Librarian & ICT

Plenty Valley Christian College
Doreen, Victoria
T: 3 9717 3679
F: 3 9717 3651
E: [LINK: mailto:angela.harridge at pvcc.vic.edu.au]
angela.harridge at pvcc.vic.edu.au and  [LINK:
mailto:angelah at structuregraphs.com] angelah at structuregraphs.com (online
W: [LINK: http://www.plentyvalley.vic.edu.au/]

'Anyone who stops learning is old whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps
learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind
Henry Ford



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