[Year 12 IT Apps] Unit 3 Outcome 1

Laura Fihelly fihl at crcsydenham.net
Wed Feb 9 15:56:05 EST 2011

Thanks everyone for your help, it completely makes sense now.




From: itapps-bounces at edulists.com.au
[mailto:itapps-bounces at edulists.com.au] On Behalf Of Margaret Lawson
Sent: Wednesday, 9 February 2011 3:49 PM
To: itapps at edulists.com.au
Subject: Re: [Year 12 IT Apps] Unit 3 Outcome 1



The assessment guide and various supporting documentation from the VCAA
web site gives you a list of skills that the students need to
demonstrate as far as web development goes.

Web Authoring Software Tools

Web authoring software 

*	cascading style sheet
*	edit and format content
*	links (relative and absolute links, internal and external links)
*	navigation
*	buttons
*	screen layout
*	tagging (metadata tags, alt tags)
*	forms
*	incorporate images/sound

The students need to provide a prototype web site that shows the
possible function of the web site, but you do not have to create a wiki,
blog, forum from scratch. We don't have TIME! But the kids need to have
a thorough understanding of what each of the tools are listed on the
VCAA web site:

*	blogs
*	chat rooms
*	forums
*	social networking
*	wikis.

Part of the understanding would be the strengths and weaknesses of each
online community tool AND where each could be appropriately used within
a web site. ie. you wouldn't use a blog to broadcast sensitive
information to a community, you might use a closed chat forum.

For example; page 64 and 66 of the study design gives a good example of
what the students need to do.
"web site should demonstrate navigation options, the user interface and
the overall functionality. All included features (eg. wiki, blog,
forum)do not have to be fully functional." (pg 65 of ITA Study Design)

If I was teaching this (currently on leave), I would use the "World
Platypus Society" Case Study provided on page 65 of study design and
work it into a Practice SAC for the kids (copy and paste from electronic
copy and develop it into something the kids could work through). You
would have to provide the students with some images and text that they
could use for the practice SAC.

The students would produce a web site of upto 5-6 functioning pages
(what do others think?)  that would clearly show how navigation would
work (of course using features of the software, CSS, templates or
whatever to show efficient use of software), user interface (use of
layout) and show (as a prototype would) WHERE a wiki, blog or forum
might be used. Part of the knowledge skills is that students need to
show their understanding of these tools, so the prototype site wouldn't
have EVERY tool that online communities use, but maybe one or two that
would SUIT THEIR NEEDS. How would the kids show that they have a wiki on
the site? Perhaps a link to a screen dump of a wiki site and an
explanation of how a wiki would suit the needs of the World Platapus
Society. But I wouldn't expect that they develop a wiki, or register one
in PBworks. Class activities might have the kids using one, but this
would be a task to increase their understanding of the online community

The purpose of a prototype is to demonstrate what the solution could be
given TIME and RESOURCES. There shouldn't be any "under construction"
but rather an explanation of why this page in the web site isn't
functional. ie. This is where the blog would go, I would recommend
something similar to what is on the World Llama Society web site as it
would meet the needs of the organisation in the following way ....

When you are marking the protoype web site you should be able to move
through the web site without error even though there are areas that
clearly would be developed if it was a real web site. Often web
designers use this technique of a prototype web site to secure a job
contract. Showing just enough to whet the appetite of the company they
are presenting to, but not too much that they are using all of their
resources to produce something that doesn't generate cash flow.

As a VCE teacher, you really need to nut through the Study Design,
Assessment Guide and ALL of the various literature on the VCAA web site.
Writing a practice SAC is hard, but as you and the kids work through it,
it will increase your understanding of the study design and your
understanding of both the knowledge and skills that the students need to

Good luck, I hope that this blether has been helpful (waiting on baby
arriving and I am bored).


Margaret Lawson

Currently on leave in 2011 from
St. Michael's Grammar School
mlawson at stmichaels.vic.edu.au

ITA list goes to my home address so that I can control my school inbox

On 9/02/2011 12:39 PM, Laura Fihelly wrote: 

Hi there, I am completely new to IT Applications and have moved from
Brisbane, so I don't have much knowledge about the subject. I know that
for the first outcome in unit 3 students have to create a prototype
website based around an online community. My question is, do students
use (in my case Dreamweaver) to actually create the website and actually
create a type of online community like a forum. If so does anyone have
any resources as to how students actually do this? Or do they find an
image of a forum, wiki etc and use a program like photoshop to edit it
and insert it as an image in their site? 


My students have a good understanding of creating websites but to create
the forum they (and myself) are a little unsure of how to do it.


Thanks for your help J


Laura Fihelly

Teacher of Business Management & Information Technologies

Catholic Regional College Sydenham

380 Sydenham Road 

Sydenham 3037

email: fihl at crcsydenham.net <mailto:principal at crcsydenham.net>  

web: www.crcsydenham.net <http://www.crcsydenham.net>    


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Margaret Lawson
Konstant Kaos Designs
ABN 50 523 597 927
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Northcote 3070
Victoria Australia
M: 0407 896309
P: 9489 6309
margaret.lawson at konstantkaos.net
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