[Year 12 IT Apps] ITA List document sharing

Kevork Krozian Kroset at novell1.fhc.vic.edu.au
Tue Feb 17 14:31:22 EST 2009

Hi Folks,

   I know that it is an annoyance when a file arrives in a format we haven't used such as Office 2007. 

My view would be to use it as an opportunity to learn about and find a solution to opening/converting that file type just as it would when a student turns up with a newer version of Word from home and can't open it on the school's computer.  If you are not in the mood or simply don't have the time, a quick response to the author (and the list) should be enough to find a solution to opening/converting the file.  After all don't students do this to us every day ??

   I am not sure trying to "control" attachment formats by a majority vote or netiquette guidelines on the lists is either enforceable or effective. I am more inclined to get information moving quickly between subscribers than trying to police attachment formats.  

   For example, we just learned how to use 2 tools to open a Word 2007 file -- OpenOffice 3.0 or the file format converter from Microsoft .  We could have run a quick google search as an alternative.

   I can set up a survey site and monitor people's preferences and analyse the results. No problem with that. I am just wondering how effective it will be or efficient in time and effort to get a set of results that may be a small representation of the total membership.

   If I have missed the point and there is a strong feeling that we run a survey I can have it up and running in a day. Please let me know either way.

PS I am sending this in plain text so there is no format conflict with our subscribers :))
PPS What about a wiki for our aggregate course review responses to Paula and the VCAA ?? That one I like a lot more.

 Yours in the service

Kevork Krozian
IT Manager , Forest Hill College
k.krozian at fhc.vic.edu.au
Mobile: 0419 356 034

>>> Mark Kelly <kel at mckinnonsc.vic.edu.au> 17/02/2009 12:51 pm >>>
I'm open to arguments.  McKinnon standardised on Office 2007 this year.

I often save back to 2003 version for other people, but one loses new 
magical features.

Kevork - do you have the facility to set up a simple online survey so 
people can tell us what Office versions they use, or what they'd prefer 
for document sharing?

(Holy Virtual Team Relevance, Batman!)

Mark Kelly
Manager - Information Systems
McKinnon Secondary College
McKinnon Rd McKinnon 3204, Victoria, Australia
Direct line / Voicemail: 8520 9085
School Phone +613 8520 9000
School Fax +613 9578 9253
kel at mckinnonsc.vic.edu.au 

Webmaster - http://www.mckinnonsc.vic.edu.au
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