[Year 12 IT Apps] Vitta Conference Fees

Leanne Wright barbarloot at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 7 22:56:37 EST 2007

Is anyone else concerned at the continuing inequitable pricing practices of the VITTA conference where those whose schools are only able - for financial and/or organisational reasons - to send staff for one day are apparently required to massively subsidise  colleagues who are able to attend for all three days. 
  To demonstrate - The cost per day for 3 day attendees is just over $161 per day; for 2 day attendees $186-50 per day; while those attending a single day must pay $242 per day - $80 more per day than those attending for 3 days!!  While I realise that there is an administration cost to processing each application I would expect that $20 or even $30 should cover this and that a standard cost per day be charged thereafter. 
  I can see no justification for the present pricing structure that appears to discriminate against the less well off schools and their staff, in favour of those from better resourced schools. Would be interested in hearing the opinions of others on this issue. 
  Leanne Wright - Epping SC.

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