[Year 12 IT Apps] Re: OT Interactive whiteboard

Kent Beveridge kbeveridge at stbc.vic.edu.au
Thu Nov 29 14:47:18 EST 2007

Cheer up Ros, only a couple of weeks to go!
Its fun teaching in 35+ degree computer labs when the aircons are pathetic excuses, but hey, some mug's gotta do it!  We also have 3 IWB's that arent yet set up, who knows where they'll end up!  For what its worth, I asked a couple of classes where they would put them and, interestingly enough, its seems a common answer is the Science area first, then generally, non-computer rooms as the rest of the response...
This is generally because already enough computer 'stuff' is in the computer labs!
Have a coldie when you finish tonite Ros...I did last night,....actually, it was 2 glasses of red!(strongly chilled of course).
Kent Beveridge,
 I.T. co-ordinator
St. Brigids Catholic Sec. College
email.. kbeveridge at stbc.vic.edu.au
|<3|\|7  b3\/3r1D93 ?  ;-)

Wishes and Eggs, one you make and one you break!  A bit like promises.....
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From: itapps-bounces at edulists.com.au on behalf of Meadows, Roslyn M
Sent: Thu 11/29/2007 2:10 PM
To: Year 12 IT Applications Teachers' Mailing List
Subject: RE: [Year 12 IT Apps] Re: OT Interactive whiteboard

Our school has NONE!!



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Roslyn Meadows
ICT Coordinator

Head of Assessment and Reporting
Bentleigh Secondary College | 9579 1044 | 0412 614 062

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From: itapps-bounces at edulists.com.au [mailto:itapps-bounces at edulists.com.au] On Behalf Of Colin SUTTON
Sent: Thursday, 29 November 2007 1:00 PM
To: itapps at edulists.com.au
Subject: [Year 12 IT Apps] Re: OT Interactive whiteboard


Our school has ONLY ONE!!

We fitted it in a small 'Conference room' (holds about 12).

It has been used a VERY little - I did go to one thing where it was used - but only in data projector mode - NOT IWB. 

I ran a 90 minute course for Maths/Science staff one PD day last term using it as an IWB.

DON'T allow 'them' to fit it in a staffroom!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fit it in a CLASSroom where everyone can use it with  ... (wait for it) ... STUDENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Staff can still learn to use it 'out of hours' 'in the privacy of their own home' - however there is nothing to be ashamed about having to learn a new technology - we are teachers and aren't we about learning? 

I taught in England (not really recommended unless you are a masochist) and spent the last year in a modern PPP school with an IWB in EVERY maths classroom. Most teachers in UK are in ONE room all week! I taught Maths there and ONLY used the IWB (interactively MOST of the time). I had an ordinary whiteboard that I put up metric conversions on for months (until some dope rubbed them off) and the week's Homework schedule (they were BIG on HW!!!). 

It was great  - I learnt a lot and the kids did become more engaged and you could show/do things I only dream about now. I teach ICT at Yr11/12 and Maths here.

I found lots of Maths resources which I'm happy to share with ANYONE - drop me an email: oz.sutton at gmail.com


COLIN _______________________________________________ 
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