[Year 12 IT Apps] [Fwd: VITTA Outstanding Achievement Award 2007]

Renee Hoareau reneehoareau at gmail.com
Fri Nov 2 08:47:48 EST 2007

Hello all,
VITTA has decided this year to acknowledge teachers who have shown an
outstanding commitment in both the primary and secondary area for the
Outstanding Achievement Award. Could you please consider nominating
your colleagues and provide a rationale for the nomination. I shall
leave the previous information just in case...  thanks Renee

VITTA Outstanding Achievement Award

Here are the details for last year's recipient:

The VITTA Outstanding Achievement Award 2007 is attached.

The VITTA Committee of Management will be deciding on the recipient of
this award at the next CoM meeting, Tuesday Nov 16th, just before the
Conference begins. Could you please send in nominations for this award to
me: office at vitta.org.au with subject VITTA OAA by Monday Nov 15th.

Good luck with your nominations,

regards Renee

Good luck with your nominations,

regards Renee

Renee Hoareau
VITTA Executive Officer
T: +61 3 9495 6836
 F: +61 3 9495 6834
M: +61(0)416 113 924
E: renee at vitta.org.au
W: www.vitta.org.au
Suite 202, 134-136 Cambridge St,

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