[Year 12 IPM] music copyright
Stephen Loosley
stephen at melbpc.org.au
Thu Nov 2 22:57:16 EST 2006
At 01:19 PM 2/11/2006, Donna Benjamin wrote:
>Current legislation before parliament will REDUCE exceptions for
>study and research currently permitted under Fair dealing provisions.
Perhaps of interest regarding this. (Note, no political-comment intended)
>From: Henry, Allison (N. Roxon, MP) [mailto:Allison.Henry at aph.gov.au]
>Sent: Wednesday, 1 November 2006 5:16 PM
>Nicola Roxon MP
>Shadow Attorney-General
>Copyright reforms need better eye to the future
>Shadow Attorney-General Nicola Roxon today flagged Labors concerns
>with the Howard Governments extensive copyright reforms.
>Copyright is an extraordinarily complex area of law, requiring a
>careful balance between adequate reward for creators and proper
>protection for copyright owners on the one hand, and concerns to
>ensure accessibility for consumers on the other.
>These changes signify perhaps the biggest overhaul of Australias
>copyright law in years, yet, as currently drafted, they are
>burdened with unworkable complexity and numerous inconsistencies.
>New technology has put pressure on our existing Copyright Act and
>we should take this opportunity to better address technological
>But instead of simplifying the laws by introducing technologically
>neutral provisions, the Government has proposed a more complex
>copyright system, with different exceptions and limits for
>different formats of material.
>The Copyright Amendment Bill 2006 was today debated in the House of
>Representatives, ahead of a Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs
>Committee review of the legislation which is due to report on
>November 10th.
>In particular, Ms Roxon wants the Committee to scrutinise the
>treatment of new technologies in the bill, the appropriateness of
>the new enforcement provisions and the apparent adverse impact on
>the schools and researchers.
>Given the short time frame for debate in the House, I do hope that
>the Senate Committee will be able to iron out some of the major
>problems with this 200 page long Bill and advise on preferable
>drafting for some of the existing clumsy provisions.
>With extensive negotiations still continuing between Government and
>stakeholders, and the review in the Senate pending, Labor will
>reserve its position on the Bill until it sees the Governments
>final position.
>It is in everyones interests to work co-operatively to make our
>copyright law as robust as possible and we hope the Government
>will take this approach to improving this complex piece of
>Wednesday 1 November, 2006
>For more information call Allison Henry: 0417 108 362 or 02 6277 2039
><<MED 061101 Copyright reforms need better eye to the future.pdf>>
Cheers, Donna
Stephen Loosley
Victoria, Australia
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