[Year 12 IPM] Re: commercial production of Cdrom

Pauline Middelveld pauline at vitta.org.au
Wed Aug 3 12:41:00 EST 2005

2 companies I have used and are good -
CMS (conference media services)
 phone (+61 3) 9874 4344 | fax (+61 3) 9874 2277
PO Box 212 Mitcham, Vic 3132, Australia

Tell Steve Anderson I sent you - have used them in my prior jobs several

210 Coventry St, South Melbourne (did the VITTA conference CD last year - do
assembly of sleeve etc)
Ph - 9690 0030

Warm regards

Pauline Middelveld
Project Officer, VITTA
33-37 Hotham Street Inc
Collingwood VIC 3066
Ph 9495 6836
Fx 9495 6834
pauline.middelveld at vitta.org.au

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