[Gifted and Talented] Call for nominations VITTA Committee - apologies for x-post

Bridie Mackay bridie at vitta.org.au
Wed Oct 14 15:44:55 EST 2009

Nominations are now being invited for membership of the VITTA Committee of Management.
The VITTA Committee of Management is a vibrant and pro-active group that works collaboratively to represent all teachers in matters relating to the teaching of Information Technology and the effective use of ICTs in teaching and learning.

Why should I join the VITTA Committee?

    * Be the first to know about developments and initiatives in ICT
    * Be part of leading ICT learning into the 21st century
    * Provide leadership, support and services for all levels of Information Technology education.
    * Develop your own professional learning
    * Join VITTA working parties to develop exciting projects and resources.

What should I bring to the VITTA Committee?

    * Your energy
    * Your ideas
    * Your can-do attitude!

Nominees for VITTA Committee of Management must hold an individual VITTA membership and must be nominated by a fellow individual VITTA member. Nomination forms are available online at  http://www.vitta.org.au/teachers and click on 'Join the VITTA committee'.

Nomination Forms must be received at VITTA by no later than 4.00pm on Tuesday 3 November 2009.
The VITTA Annual General Meeting will take place at the Slide to Open - digital learning conference on Tuesday 24 November at 5.00 pm.

Hurry, register to attend the VITTA Annual Conference now - there are great prizes to be won just for registering, including a Kindle2 Reader! Go to http://www.vitta.org.au/conference2009 to register.


Bridie Mackay
Senior Project Officer
T: +61 3 9495 6836
F: +61 3 9495 6834
E: bridie at vitta.org.au
Suite 209, 134-136 Cambridge Street
PO Box 1099
Collingwood, VIC, 3066

Slide to Open ~ digital learning
VITTA Conference 2009
Mon Nov 23 - Wed Nov 25
Grandstand Flemington Racecourse

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