[English] Fwd: New free Copyright for Educators Course.

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Thu Feb 18 19:32:41 EST 2010

> From: "Browne, Delia" <Delia.Browne at det.nsw.edu.au>
> Date: 18 February 2010 4:24:40 PM AEDT
> Subject: New free Copyright for Educators Course.

Dear all,

 I am writing to let you know about a new free online copyright course, 
"Copyright For Educators", being offered by Peer to Peer University:


 P2PU is a volunteer open education project being incubated by the
University of California (Irvine) with lots of support from Shuttleworth
Foundation, Hewlett Foundation, CC Learn, Mozilla Foundation and others.

 Delia Browne, National Copyright Director (National Copyright Unit) of 
the Copyright Advisory Groups (Schools and TAFEs) is the course organiser
and one of P2PU co founders of the volunteer open education project.
 The P2PU 'Copyright for Educators' course has been launched and
enrolments are now open. 

 We encourage you to pass on this email to any Teachers, Librarians and
Curriculum and E learning areas who may be interested in enrolling in the
course to learn about copyright and copyright compliance strategies.
           What is 'Copyright for Educators'?

 It is a six week course for educators who want to learn about copyright,
open content material and licensing.  It is open to all educators around
the world.
 The course is taught around practical case studies faced by teachers 
when using copyright material in their day to day teaching and
educational instruction.
 By answering the case scenarios and drafting and discussing the answers
in groups, the participants learn:

 about what copyright protects
 whether exceptions or blanket licences apply
 when they need to seek permission and who to
 what is an open education resource
 what is a creative common licence
 how can OER and CC benefit teaching

  Participants will also get to learn about how these issues are dealt 
with in different countries. 
  The Course leaders
 As stated above, Delia Browne is the course organiser. She will be 
assisted by
 Lila Bailey  Creative Commons Counsel) based in San Francisco at 
Creative Commons

 Jessica Coates( CC Australia and Queensland University of Technology) 
based in Brisbane

 Tobias Schonwetter Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Cape 
Town92s (UCT) Intellectual Property Research Unit in South Africa

 Prodromos Tsiavos - London School of Economics

 Andrew Rens, Intellectual Property Fellow for the Shuttleworth 
 How is the course taught?

 The course is not taught, it is facilitated by the course leaders. 

 The course is student participation focused.Students are divided into 
small groups to work through each week's case scenario and the weekly 
 The groups organise their online communications/ discussions (via 
email, Google docs, Skype, tokbox etc) and jointly submit an answer to 
the weekly case scenario (week 1- 5) and final assignment (Week 6) on 
the course blog. 
 The p2pu.org website  platform allows students to communicate 
asynchronously via wikis (group communication and discussion) and a
course blog   (group answers submitted).
 Synchronous tools are not supported by the site but there are 
recommendations of some real time communication tools each group may 
elect to use to hold a class meeting or discussion.
 In addition, each group also provides an assessment of the other groups'
answers to the weekly case studies.
 The leaders basically review and mark the student group work (pass/fail)
that has been posted to the blog and provide comments where they have
gone wrong.  As stated above, we act as facilitators rather than
traditional teachers.
 In the final assignment, Groups may elect to create helpful OER tools on
copyright or draft a letter to their government on a copyright law reform
issue or create an OER plan.
 Please note places are limited, but there should be at least one group
of 4-5 Australian based participants provided there are enough enrolments
 More Information
 There is further information on the P2PU website http://p2pu.org in 
the 'Copyright For Educators' section where you can look at the Course 
Outline, the  Weekly Assignments and the Weekly Readings. There is also 
more information on how groups meet and communicate.
 Please feel free to browse and/or enrol in the other courses on offer.
 I want to enrol - what do I do?
 Go to http://p2pu.organd click courses, select 'Copyright For Educators'
and then follow the sign up requirements - answering a self assessment
 Once that is done, you will be contacted before March to confirm your 
enrolment. Please note the number of students in the course is limited so
you may not get in for this cycle. However, we do plan to run
additional 'Copyright For Educators' courses throughout 2010. Those that 
are unlucky this time, will be alerted to the next round sign up etc.


Delia Browne

National Copyright Director
Ministerial Council on Education,
Early Childhood Development and Youth Affairs
Level 5, 35 Bridge Street
Sydney NSW 2000

Cheers Delia
Stephen Loosley
Member, Victorian
Institute of Teaching

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