[Design and Technology] FW: links to eco design, LCA

Tran, Lorraine I tran.lorraine.i at edumail.vic.gov.au
Fri May 29 13:45:44 EST 2009

Dear colleagues


The following resources may be useful when covering Life Cycle Analysis
(LCA), environmental and ecological factors in Design and Technology
Unit 3 Outcome 2 (9th key knowledge and 7th key skill dot points).


Regards, Lorraine.



>From a product standpoint 

You can download the publication Better by design from the above link.

Eco-design strategy wheel is one of the tools here:

For product LCA education, EcoIndicator 99 and EcoIndicator 95 are
great, each is available on-line and leads you through a simple LCA.

A few more LCA resources:

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