[Informatics] Fun with hypothesis - Part 2: The reveal

Mark mark at vceit.com
Fri Mar 31 14:37:58 AEDT 2017

Hi thrillseekers.

*The data source*:

*A summary of the tentative hypotheses
"scientists think that a couple's willingness to not give up on their
marriage waxes and wanes throughout the year. Around Christmas or
Valentine's Day, married couples are clinging to the hope that they can
turn things around during the holidays, and they also don't want to upset
their families over the holidays by announcing a divorce, unaware that it's
the one thing everyone was hoping to get as a gift in the first place.

Once March rolls around and they've dispensed with the illusion of true
love, they end up filing for divorce. The same applies to summer vacations,
which tend to happen in July. Vacations are often stressful to the point of
further damaging already-strained marriages, especially if they have to
take a plane and one of them forgets one of the suitcases in the goddamned
car, Carol!"


1. Name the independent and dependent variables.
2. Formulate a prediction based on the hypotheses.
3. Identify the data that would be required to support or refute the
4. How could such data be collected?
5. Did your relationship collapse in March or August? Not really relevant,
but I'm nosy*.


* Or is it "nosey" ? Dang!


Mark Kelly

mark at vceit.com

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