[Informatics] Fun with hypotheses - Part 1: The observation

Mark mark at vceit.com
Fri Mar 31 14:28:08 AEDT 2017

Hi, hypothesisors

Or is it 'hypothesis*e*rs'?
Or 'hypothesi*z*[o|e]rs?
Or '*those who *hypothesi[s|z]e'?

Anyway... sorry.

The *Observation*:

Formulate a hypothesis* to explain the spikes in divorce rates in March and

*Tip*: it is *not* that either cats or Batman cause divorce.

More to follow in the exciting *part 2*.


* "*A* hypothesis"?
"*An* hypothesis"?
In formal, carefully enunciated speech, it would sound like "a -
hypothesis" with the "h" voiced but in casual speech, I'd swallow the
aspirant "h" and say "an 'ypothesis"
Dang. That's going to keep me awake all night.

I hope I don't have a portion of the teaching community wandering the
corridors of academia mysteriously muttering "a - hypothesis, an
'ypothesis" for the rest of the term.


Mark Kelly

mark at vceit.com

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