[Informatics] Example U302 SAT Data Manipulation Journal

S.Bagh S.Bagh at stmonicas-epping.com
Fri May 6 15:33:14 AEST 2016

?Thanks Paul. Truly excellent work

From: informatics-bounces at edulists.com.au <informatics-bounces at edulists.com.au> on behalf of Paul Pascoe <passyworld at hotmail.com>
Sent: Friday, 6 May 2016 1:07 PM
To: Year 12 VCE Informatics Teachers' Mailing List
Subject: [Informatics] Example U302 SAT Data Manipulation Journal

Hi everyone,

While my wonderful group of 25 reluctant statisticians were inching along getting to the first couple of base camps (Hypothesis and Project Plan), I completed a SAT on a hypothesis that nobody else was doing:

"The population of a city, town, or suburb can be estimated from the number of American Fast Food outlets it has, because bigger towns have enough people to sustain a larger number of outlets."

So now as we go along through the SAT, I can share some camp fire stories with the students as they tackle the treks to each of the Base Camps to the summit.

As I did the manipulations part of the SAT I kept a journal of the Excel work that is now on the Edulists Resources page for Informatics.

It can be accessed at this link:


This is not necessarily an excellent standard as I did it all very piece meal in a bit of a rush, but it might be of use to some people for an idea of possibilities for the U302 SAT Manipulations.

As for the original hypothesis, it looks like my sample size was probably far to small (but it was manageable to work on for 6 hours or so work time - gathering and manipulating);
and the hypothesis is not confirmed, even though there was some degree of correlation between the two variables.

I would recommend that all teacher's do a SAT of their own, to realise the nature of the tasks and the volume of work involved for students.


Paul Pascoe
IT/Multimedia Teacher
St Francis Xavier College

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