[Informatics] SAT data sets - "the specifications for creating the information"

Mark mark at vceit.com
Sun Mar 20 21:28:32 AEDT 2016

Ok. No responses. Time is short.  I'll have to assume that it refers to the
nature of the data that need to be collected, e.g. To support a hypothesis
that cancellations of public transport causes road accidents you need...
1. Data on the number of trains cancelled.
2. Data on number of car accidents.
3. Statements by drivers that train cancellation caused them to drive and
led to accident.

Or am I wrong?

On Thursday, 17 March 2016, Mark <mark at vceit.com> wrote:

> Hi, data-collectors
> In the Informatics SAT Info PDF, in the data sets section, students are
> required to show evidence of "the specifications for creating the
> information". (p.2)
> Can someone explain or exemplify what sort of 'specifications' are
> intended?
> Does it mean things like "the information must be accurate, timely,
> complete" etc?
> Or "It must be information about Australian cases in the past 10 years"?
> It's a bit too vague for me to get a handle on.
> Thanks in advance
> Mark
> --
> Mark Kelly
> mark at vceit.com <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','mark at vceit.com');>
> http://vceit.com


Mark Kelly

mark at vceit.com
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