[Informatics] SAT Introduction PPT and How to Form a Hypothesis

Paul Pascoe passyworld at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 4 20:34:45 AEDT 2016

Hi everyone,

Based on ideas from the VCAA Session we had in Coburg not long ago, I have taken parts of Judy's great PPT, and added in some of my own material, as well as ideas put forward on this mailing list,  to make a PPT I am going to use with my students to introduce the SAT and get them to form two or three hypothesis options before the end of the term.

It can be downloaded from the Informatics section of the Edulists page at http://www.edulists.com.au/

Feel free to download a copy and use whatever you need from it.


Paul Pascoe

IT / Multimedia Teacher

SFX Beaconsfield
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