[Informatics] Any examples for learning activity?

Poke, Michael C poke.michael.c at edumail.vic.gov.au
Thu Jan 14 14:39:01 AEDT 2016

Hi all and happy new year!
Just wondering, has anyone come up with any good examples for the following suggested learning activity for U3O1 from the VCAA Advice for Teachers…?

review a range of online data collection methods currently used by organisations to identify the types of data collected, techniques used to collect the data and security measures included to protect both the user and the organisation
using screenshots of ineffective and inefficient online data collection methods, indicate how the online data collection method can be improved


Michael Poke
Senior Years ICT Teacher
Senior Years Digital Learning Leader (2016)
Manor Lakes P-12 College
2-50 Minindee Road
Wyndham Vale Victoria 3024
poke.michael.c at edumail.vic.gov.au<mailto:poke.michael.c at edumail.vic.gov.au>
P.(03)97414202  F.(03)97411420

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