[Informatics] text

ken price kenjprice at gmail.com
Wed Dec 2 11:38:06 AEDT 2015

Hi folks,

A query from outside of the Victorian education system - I'm interested in
the relationship between the course (n this case Informatics) and its
textbook. Does the course REQUIRE a specific textbook? What process is used
to ensure the textbook(s) is/are developed in a way that meets the needs of
those teaching it? Is it just "course is publicly viewable, various
publishers produce what they think will be a marketable product and schools
select based on their own needs?"

I'm thinking here long-term about what opportunities might emerge should
the Australian Curriculum in years 11/12 result in closer alignment between
states, and the possibility of more "universal" textbooks etc.


On Mon, Nov 30, 2015 at 10:03 PM, Watson, Donald R <
watson.donald.r at edumail.vic.gov.au> wrote:

> I hope the Informatics textbook is going to include a few student
> activities. It's just a lot of facty facts in the chapter sample. Dry as
> achip.
> Don Watson

Dr Ken Price MACS CP ACCE Professional Associate.
President, TASITE http://www.tasite.tas.edu.au
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