[Informatics] DLTV PL

Fay Richardson fay.richardson at dltv.vic.edu.au
Wed Dec 2 09:51:02 AEDT 2015

Hello Roland and Informatics List,

I do not usually interfere or comment on the Edulists, although I do
receive all mail.

Just to confirm, there is a discount for *all *DLTV Members, regardless of
the status. The *special offer* went out to those who attended the Friday,
27 November event F2F403 Welcome to VCE Computing.

Any further queries can be forwarded to me off-list.

Kind regards,

*Fay Richardson*

Project Manager

*Digital Learning and Teaching Victoria*

Statewide Resources Centre

Level 2, 150 Palmerston Street

Carlton VIC 3053 Australia

*P* +61 3 9349 3733  *M* +61 488 545 995

*E* fay.richardson at dltv.vic.edu.au <name.surname at dltv.vic.edu.au>  *w*
 dltv.vic.edu.au <http://www.dltv.vic.edu.au/>

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*Proud recipient of the APTA's **"INNOVATIVE ASSOCIATION AWARD 2014"*

[image: DLTV Logo]

Supporting excellence and innovative uses of ICT in education for

pre-service teachers through to principals engaged in the continuum

of learning from early years to careers.

On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 4:22 PM, Roland Gesthuizen <rgesthuizen at gmail.com>

> Apologies for the infomercial: The details and order process about the
> DLTV VCE Computing Resource kit are online at
> https://dltv.vic.edu.au/vce-computing. Good news is that there is a huge
> discount for individual members. It pays up to join, especially if you
> attend another DLTV event or workshop next year. Beats spending a couple of
> weekends reinventing the wheel for the new study design over the summer
> break. Claim it on tax or get your school to pay for this.
> Regards Roland
> On 30 Nov 2015, at 7:55 PM, Graham, Margaret M <
> graham.margaret.m at edumail.vic.gov.au> wrote:
> Hi all
> I couldn’t attend the PD last Friday and had thought by the discussions on
> here lately that the resource kit was not yet available.
> I received an email today for the purchase of the kit and am wondering if
> anyone has seen what it actually offers?
> “The amount outstanding of 250.00 AUD is due on 14 Dec 2015.
> Please note: once payment has been received, you will be given access to
> the resources.”
> regards
> Margaret Graham
> <image001.png>
> *Telephone: *(03) 8804 6464
> *Website: *www.blackburnhs.vic.edu.au
> *Address: *60 Springfield Road,
> Blackburn, Victoria. 3130
> Australia
> *Important - *This email and any attachments may be confidential. If
> received in error, please contact us and delete all copies. Before opening
> or using attachments check them for viruses and defects. Regardless of any
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> or not, resulting directly or indirectly from the use of any attached files
> our liability is limited to resupplying any affected attachments. Any
> representations or opinions expressed are those of the individual sender,
> and not necessarily those of the Department of Education and Training.
> _______________________________________________
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> VCE Informatics Mailing List kindly supported by
> http://www.vcaa.vic.edu.au/vce/studies/infotech/itapplications3-4.html -
> Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority <br>
> http://www.vitta.org.au  - VITTA Victorian Information Technology
> Teachers Association Inc <br>
> http://www.swinburne.edu.au/ict/schools - Swinburne University
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