[Vce Chemistry] Hi!!

Stephan Munyard SMunyard at maranatha.vic.edu.au
Wed Nov 15 10:12:03 EST 2006

Hi Christina, 

One of the best pieces of advice I got when I started out was to attend the STAV Chem Conference at the beginning of next year.  It has been held at Monash over the last few years but in recent years has been held at RMIT Bundura.  I'm sure your school will have info on it.

All the best,


>>> cak at ualberta.ca 15/11/2006 7:34 am >>>
I am new to this Mailing List and I am very excited to recieve some  
information about Chemistry.
I am about to embark in my journey as a Chemistry teacher and all the  
passed on knowledge and ideas will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks and I can't wait to be part of this list.

Christina Koeckhoven
cak at ualberta.ca 
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