IT /IPM /VET-IT Professional Development Survey -- Request for Comment
Information Technology is very hard to keep abreast of in terms of current and new developments. As such there is a need for professional development for staff who are teaching this material.
To ensure that the program is relevant and serves the needs of the majority of staff to whom this has been addressed it is necessary to ask that you complete the enclosed survey of needs as soon as possible.
Once the details and feasibility of the professional
development have been established further details will be announced as to how
the program can be implemented.
Survey Questionnaire
1. As far as undertaking PD, which of the three IT areas above are you most interested in pursuing ( you can choose more than one ) ?
IT Systems IPM Cert III VET in IT
2. Are you prepared to commit to a such a PD program ?
Additional Comment
3. Are you prepared to travel according to the
general outline above as part of the practical session ?
Additional Comment
4. As many modules are part of current Certificate III in IT courses, as a current ITS/IPM/VET teacher are you interested in using RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) to assist in accelerating through the course ?
Yes No
5. The COST of a specific Certificate IV Course will comprise of two parts ( an annual enrolment fee for the institution eg. Box Hill TAFE plus a standard dollar fee per hour a module ($1 per hour ) is nominally rated at eg. Install and Optimise System Software is rated as 20 hours nominally costing $20). Are you willing to accept such a cost structure?
Yes No
6. The course will most likely run for about 18 months to 2 years. Are you willing to commit to this?
Yes No
7. Any other comments you wish to make ?
Please press the Submit button below when finished and your response
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