[Yr7-10it] eLearning Planning Matrix
stephen at melbpc.org.au
stephen at melbpc.org.au
Wed Sep 16 04:55:32 EST 2009
Victorian DEECD and eLearning
An eLearning School Planning Matrix
School eLearning Stages: Foundation, Emergent, Innovative, Transformative
At eLearning 'Transformative' Schools ..
Synchronous, mobile and other emerging technologies are used to create a
range of dynamic, virtual learning communities, which enable users to
communicate, share, collaborate and co-create with experts and with one
There is a sustainable vision for a culture of eLearning, that is
understood, embraced and embedded across the school community, and is
informed by a strong student voice. Strategic planning is continuous,
proactive, informed by research and supported by formal structures for
consultation and review with all stakeholders.
Leaders initiate and encourage participation in rigorous dialogue and
debate about ways in which learning and teaching with ICT can be
integrated to maximise learning and teaching opportunities. Pedagogy
drives the schools decisions about ICT.
There is strong, strategic and distributed leadership drawing on areas of
expertise at local and global levels.
There is a willingness to share expertise across the system.
ICT connects school planning, teacher planning, individual student plans,
student data and assessment and reporting.
ICT is integrated into curriculum plans across all areas of the school,
which assists students to progress through the VELS and other curriculum
Teachers use ICT to collaborate and to share curriculum plans and
resources across the school. Teachers use ICT to collaborate with other
schools, developing and sharing curriculum plans, resources and
approaches. An online environment transforms curriculum planning,
supporting student-centred curriculum design. ICT is used to create
dynamic, personalised learning plans that integrate effective digital
environments and resources, and include authentic learning opportunities
and connections beyond the school.
ICT-enabled curriculum delivery is a frequent and natural part of
learning and teaching for all students across all curriculum areas and
year levels.
Students have rich learning opportunities that extend their capacity to
learn independently and interdependently in an online environment, where
they have a virtual space, tailored to their individual learning needs.
Teachers and students learn together in a flexible learning environment
with high levels of student autonomy. ICT supports the delivery of a
contemporary curriculum with clear learning goals and rich interactive
learning environments that seamlessly integrate technology so students
can access information, and collaborate locally and globally to create
knowledge, and enable all students to learn within and beyond the school.
Students have a deep understanding of how their use of ICT supports and
enhances their learning, both within and beyond the school. They
confidently articulate how ICT has made a difference to their learning
achievements. Expectations of student learning with ICT, within and
beyond the school, are high. Student learning with ICT is recognised,
valued and celebrated. ICT is integral to personalised curriculum,
supporting students to collaborate with experts and participate in
authentic, local and global learning communities.
The school regularly reviews new technologies and their use, making
appropriate changes to its policies and educational programs as part of a
reflective and well-informed process. The school programs aim to develop
students who use technology in ethical and safe ways within and beyond
the schools boundaries.
ICT enables the use of an online environment to demonstrate connections
between planned learning experiences, personal learning goals and
assessment criteria and data, and to utilise feedback about each
students learning from peers, teachers and the wider school community.
A range of tools are used in the assessment process, including
collaborative tools, running records, ongoing visual-thinking maps,
recorded-voice feedback, podcasts, blogs and wikis.
ePortfolios are used by all students and teachers for reflection and
rapid-response feedback, and to showcase evidence of learning.
An online environment is used to support teachers to easily make
judgments about student achievement in multiple domains of VELS or other
curriculum frameworks, across different classes. The online environment
provides a learning history that travels with the student as they move
between schools.
Up-to-date and ongoing information on students progress is available
online for parents to access. A secure, integrated student information
system provides ubiquitous access to all aspects related to student
learning, including learning pathways, assessment, reporting and student
wellbeing information.
Teachers and students support one other to continuously develop their ICT
skills. All teachers have high-level ICT capabilities and apply them
intuitively to ensure highly effective learning and teaching.
Teachers ICT professional learning explores new ways of learning and
teaching, which are enabled by contemporary learning tools and
environments. Teachers ICT professional learning is systematically and
rigorously monitored and evaluated to identify impact on learning and
The impact of ICT professional learning within the school is evident in
improved results in the whole-of-school annual data collection, including
the ePotential ICT Capabilities Survey, the Attitudes to School Survey
and student achievement data. ICT professional learning plans are linked
to the school vision and the School Strategic Plan.
Staff members participate in sustained ICT professional learning that is
collaborative, embedded in teacher practice and responsive to individual
teacher goals, whole school and system priorities, as well as relevant
data and research.
The ICT professional learning strategy supports staff to lead mentoring
and coaching models, providing just-in-time support leading to cultural
change. Collegiate support and opportunities for collaboration are
available through an online environment, and staff lead and contribute to
ICT professional learning networks within, and beyond, the school.
The school provides students, parents and teachers with secure, flexible,
anywhere, anytime, ICT-enabled access to collaborative learning spaces,
resources, school information, student learning and assessment
information to support student learning. School infrastructure can
accommodate 1-to-1 computing. The school ensures that security and
privacy needs are met.
There is an anywhere, anytime learning environment not bound by physical
time and space. The learning environment adapts to diverse learning and
teaching styles and needs, and is supported by personalised timetable,
curriculum and physical spaces. Physical layouts respond to, and
accommodate, current and emerging technologies.
Synchronous, mobile and other emerging technologies are used to create a
range of dynamic, virtual learning communities, which enable users to
communicate, share, collaborate and co-create with experts and with one
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