[Yr11 Information Technology] YouTube Video - Talking Alarm Clock​ - VB.Net Beginners Program ​

Paul Pascoe ppascoe at sfx.vic.edu.au
Sun Nov 10 21:56:35 UTC 2019

Hi, ​
Apologies for any cross-posts. ​
If you are looking for simple fun Programming Activities for complete beginner's to VB.Net during end of year "Commencement" / "Head Start" period, then we have another one for you. ​
In this complete video lesson we show how to use the VB.Net speech synthesizer to read out aloud the contents of Text Boxes. ​
We also show how to make VB.Net play WAV Sound Effects Files. ​
Check out the Video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaTEdsBweKY ​

In the Video description there is also a link to printed instructions and materials for those teachers and students who prefer written materials and would like to skip having to watch the video. ​
As it is a detailed video, and I am a slow talker, we suggest viewers click on the YouTube Player Bar Tools Cog and set the speed to 1.5x or even 1.75x ​
Before completing the Alarm Clock Project, it is best that beginner students have done the Previous two Projects in the Fun and Games learning sequence: ​
Jumping Button: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBO0GEeg2ow ​

Desktop Clock:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kW22Iv4ooE8 ​

There are many more videos on VB.Net Visual Basic and MS-Access on my Channel,​
and I add a new video every week or two.  ​
so subscribe to the Channel so you don't miss any updates. ​
In particular, check out the "VB.Net Fun and Games" playlist which I am currently building for beginner VB.Net Programmers, and VCE Applied Computing. ​
If you are interested in Application Programming for Software Development the check out these two Playlists:



Enjoy, ​
Paul Pascoe ​ (aka Passy)
ICT and Multimedia Teacher​
St Francis Xavier College
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