[Yr11 Information Technology] PyCon 2017 Education Seminar 4 Aug 2017

Roland Gesthuizen rgesthuizen at gmail.com
Tue May 9 14:14:26 AEST 2017

Python is both a simple and consistent language for beginners and a
powerful real-world language used in industry. It's a popular language in
education and a great way to start for beginner programmers stepping up
from graphical environments like Scratch.

The Python in Education seminar aims to bring together Python educators to
share ideas and resources. In 2017, the Python in Education Seminar will
take place in Melbourne on Friday the 4th of August 2017. Come along to
hear how Python is used to teach programming in school classrooms and
extracurricular clubs and camps around Australia, share resources and

For more details, watch past presentations (including mine) then watch this
space: https://2017.pycon-au.org/program/education-seminar/

Regards Roland
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