[Yr11 Information Technology] BiG Day In IT Careers Conference for High School students @ RMIT - 4 September

Kerrie Bisaro Kerrie.Bisaro at acsfoundation.com.au
Fri Aug 2 11:56:08 EST 2013

BiG Day In comes to Melbourne!

First run at UTS Sydney in 2012, BiG Day In is an IT careers conference with a difference - it’s organised, run and hosted by students for students.

As a result of the sold out success of BiG Day Ins already held in 2013 & Sydney, Perth & Newcastle which have been attended by more than 1200 students to date, we have arranged a BiG Day In at RMIT, Level 4, 445 Swanson Street, Melbourne on Thursday 4 September 2013.

The ACS Foundation has observed there is a gap in delivering careers information to students and believe the BEST way for students to get this information is to hear from people with unbeatable “been there done that experience”.

We are bringing leading speakers from companies such as Microsoft, IBM, Deloitte, NAB and more to talk about the future of technology, their own careers & how students can get involved in shaping their future  Go to our website to learn more www.thebigdayin.com.au<http://www.thebigdayin.com.au>

We would like to invite you to bring students from your school to participate in this incredible opportunity to help build the movement of students who care about their careers and want to take action to get ahead.

Below are some pics showing how successful previous 2013 BiG Day In (s) have been & we hope you will bring your students along for the Melbourne BiG Day In!

To register your interest, book your tickets before we sell out or for any queries regarding Melbourne BiG Day IN 2013, please contact Kerrie Bisaro, ACS Foundation on 02 8296 4444 / 0417 409 069 or email - kerrie.bisaro at acsfoundation.com.au<mailto:kerrie.bisaro at acsfoundation.com.au>.

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Kerrie Bisaro | Executive Assistant to John Ridge | ACS Foundation
Level 11, 50 Carrington Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000
Email: kerrie.bisaro at acsfoundation.com.au<mailto:kerrie.bisaro at acsfoundation.com.au> | Ph: 02 8296 4444 | Mobile :  0417 409 069

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