[vet-mm] SAC 1 & VET Courcework Assessment Records - PLEASE HELP!!!

Stuart James Bush subscriptions at sjbsolutions.com.au
Mon Jun 14 14:40:11 EST 2010

Hi Rachelle, I'm using a rubric that was sent around early in the  
year. Do you have the one that your taking about?


On 14/06/2010, at 2:19 PM, Mclean, Rachelle L wrote:

Hey Stu,

I looked at your attached file but I stil can't work out what you're  

There is a rubric put out for your VET IDM marking that all VET  
subjects have to use to mark. Why don't you use those? They give the  
actual marks you are supposed to give VCAA. I'm just always very  
explicit with the ids what each criteria means



-----Original Message-----
From: vet-mm-bounces at edulists.com.au on behalf of Stuart James Bush
Sent: Mon 6/14/2010 1:43 PM
To: VET Multimedia Teachers' Mailing List
Subject: [vet-mm] SAC 1 & VET Courcework Assessment Records - PLEASE  

Hi all, I'm having some troubles with LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE ON TASKs
(1 2 3 4 5) on the VET Coursework Assessment Record (SAC 1).

The marking matrix I'm using has the four sub areas (which i've given
20 marks) of each criteria, my problem is that my marking system is
each sub-criteria is out of 5 which means 20 = 5 and 5 = 1 etc, but
I'm getting a lot of decimal digits which means I'm seeing a lot of .
75's .5's, .025's etc. and getting very confused. I've always marked
tasks out of 5 and want to stick with it, but because there are 4 sub-
areas, it's doing my head in. ANY SUGGESTIONS?

Hope someone can help... i've attached a screen shot of what I'm
talking about.


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