[vet-mm] Please help a Goose

EDWARDS. John edwajoh1 at lavalla.sale.catholic.edu.au
Mon Apr 27 07:53:53 EST 2009

Hi Everyone,

This is a story of an IT teacher that really knows better...On Friday I accidently deleted the folder that had all of my programs for the old year 11 multimedia course and the year 12 course that we are currently teaching.

To make the situation worse I am facing an audit in about a month and they will need to see all those programs despite the fact that we are now teaching a new course. 

Is there anyone that could please help an IT teacher that should know better and have backup copies in multiple locations with some programs that I use? I am in the process of writing the programs for the new year 11 course and would gratefully do a swap when I am finished.

Many Thanks,

John Edwards

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