[vet-mm] Scripting removed from new Cert
IIIInteractiveMediacourse ?
Andrew Shortell
a.shortell at braemar.vic.edu.au
Thu Sep 11 10:07:12 EST 2008
The industry representatives on the panel pointed out that no-one with a
cert III would be allowed to do any programming in the real world
situation through lack of knowledge. The absolute minimum for being
allowed to do any programming in the real world environment was Cert IV
and even that was monitored carefully. Thus the training package did not
include any scripting in Cert III because the training package is
designed for training in real world environments.
The IT people on the panel did express disappointment (after all, I
actually understand that part of the course as opposed to that stuff
about colours that I cannot even see!!) but there really was no option.
Scripting is GONE. Either accept it. (There is no choice)
Andrew Shortell
Braemar College
From: vet-mm-bounces at edulists.com.au
[mailto:vet-mm-bounces at edulists.com.au] On Behalf Of Brian Pearce
Sent: Wednesday, 10 September 2008 9:21 AM
To: VET Multimedia Teachers' Mailing List
Subject: RE: [vet-mm] Scripting removed from new Cert
IIIInteractiveMediacourse ?
I have been keeping track of the multimedia job ads through SEEK and the
highest paying of the hands-on multimedia jobs seem to be for Flash
developers. I'm not sure how we can prepare them for this option if we
don't have scripting as an integral part of the course. I will be
including it as much as I am allowed under the new structure, but if
it's not examined it might have to be as a bit of an optional extension.
They don't all love it but at least the ones who do can recognise that
they have a talent for it and start down that pathway.
Brian Pearce
From: vet-mm-bounces at edulists.com.au
[mailto:vet-mm-bounces at edulists.com.au] On Behalf Of Mclean, Rachelle L
Sent: Tuesday, 9 September 2008 5:19 PM
To: VET Multimedia Teachers' Mailing List
Subject: RE: [vet-mm] Scripting removed from new Cert III
InteractiveMediacourse ?
I'm sad to see it go. I've always liked the scripting unit. The kids
need something in there to stretch the brain cells a bit, plus it gives
the course more credibility I think, so it's not just a 'make pretty
digital things' course. I'm hoping to get it going in my school for
2010 and will stick some scripting in there somewhere.
From: vet-mm-bounces at edulists.com.au
[mailto:vet-mm-bounces at edulists.com.au] On Behalf Of Stoney, Marian Sy
Sent: Tuesday, 9 September 2008 11:59 AM
To: VET Multimedia Teachers' Mailing List
Subject: RE: [vet-mm] Scripting removed from new Cert III
InteractiveMedia course ?
Hi Kevork,
I for one am sad to see the demise of scripting. The reason it was left
out, not removed, is that there was no scripting option to choose from
among the many units available at Cert III level. From memory, it is
offered at Cert IV level now. There has been a general slight downward
movement in the level of the Cert III units in the new TP as compared to
the old.
I am considering teaching some Actionscript in the first year of Cert
III as part of the Critical Thinking unit, as I think knowledge of a
scripting language is very relevant in a subject called Interactive
Digital Media. The Author Interactive Sequences unit seems geared to web
design - in fact, we included it to ensure that web design was covered
explicitly somewhere in the course.
I'm speaking from memory here - anyone else from the Advisory committee
is welcome to correct my recall of events,
From: vet-mm-bounces at edulists.com.au on behalf of Kevork Krozian
Sent: Tue 9/09/2008 9:58 AM
To: VET Multimedia Teachers' Mailing List
Subject: RE: [vet-mm] Scripting removed from new Cert III
InteractiveMedia course ?
Hi Folks,
How do others read the new course re scripting ?
I have noticed the "CUFDIG302A Author Interactive Sequences" Unit of
Competence as perhaps the best candidate for scripting.
Design specifications
may include:
* interactive script
I expect most people won't do the extra if it is not mandatory. How
does everyone feel about this after all the scripting they learned and
developed ?
Perhaps if any who were on the steering committee read this they can
tell us the rationale behind the removal.
Best Wishes
Kevork Krozian
IT Manager , Forest Hill College
k.krozian at fhc.vic.edu.au
http://www.fhc.vic.edu.au <http://www.fhc.vic.edu.au/>
Mobile: 0419 356 034
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