[vet-mm] meeting with VITTA

Stoney, Marian Sy stoney.marian.sy at edumail.vic.gov.au
Thu Mar 6 20:01:18 EST 2008

Hi all, 
here is a run-down of what was discussed at the meeting between Claire, Ana, myself and Renee from VITTA, and the things needing to be done as a result. 
We looked at the financial break-up from the Refresher Day on Feb 25. There was only one copy as their system was down and I had to leave it with Renee so that she could chase up a detail for me, but roughly, the income was around $7700, the costs were around $5000, leaving a profit of around $2700. The administrative costs were around $720. 
The amount set aside for presenters was $1160 - this was part of the costs. Jo, Ana and I need to bill VITTA direct  (Note to self: get ABN!) , but I'm not sure how much for. The VITTA PD payment policy is on their website - Renee will send us the URL.
 There was no decision made prior to this event as to how to share the profit - personally I would be happy to look upon it as a trial run for future collaboration, and forget the $, but this is something you guys could discuss on March 17. Usually the budget, including how profits are to be shared, will be issued beforehand.
Btw, I got more positive feedback today about the refresher from a guy at the VCAA session. I also asked those who had been there how easy they found the VITTA online booking system - one positive, one negative, but I couldn't go into details as to why due to time constraints.
 With regard to May 31 at CAE, Renee expressed interest. Sue, would you be able to send the figures to Renee so that the budget can be prepared? She needs to know:

*	Cost of venue
*	max number of participants (there's only one lab, isn't there?)
*	Times for sessions etc
*	presenter costs
*	any other costs you are aware of
*	VITTA can do the catering, or if you have another plan, the cost for this.
*	Cost of reproduction, photocopying etc  - we probably need to work this one out between the presenters pretty soon. An estimate would probably do.

Michelle, are you happy to hand over the brochure to VITTA so that they can make a few changes to fit with their required info and format? If so could you please email it to renee at vitta.org.au and cc to lisa at vitta.org.au


We discussed resurrecting the idea of membership and what alliance with VITTA could offer without increasing our workload. That would include:

*	Promotion of membership on the VITTA website
*	member access to the VITTA online shop, with a section for PixelEd products
*	discount rates for all PixelEd and VITTA PD. Possibility of a double discount if a member of both orgs. 
*	members would be able to access PixelEd info on the new VITTA website via a PixelEd skin - they may possibly not even know they are entering via VITTA. Our URL can link straight there - this would minimise the need for website maintenance. (The site gets something like 4 million hits annually, from 160 different countries)
*	their new site will use a content management system that can extract all sorts of data about members, eg identify their interests, needs, and strengths - a possible resource for us when we need presenters as well.
*	Access to VITTA's links with MMV and ACMI
*	a copy of the VITTA mag Infonet four times a year - we can have a section in it (we were thinking a page or two - lots of the srticles are how-to and include screen grabs which use space quickly.) It's about a 32 page mag. looks great, lots of interest for our clientele.
*	Discount entry to the VITTA conference where we can ran a separate Multimedia strand, eg one full day, or a number of separate sessions.


then we discussed the Memorandum of Understanding that you have already seen. We went through it item by item. Most items were uncontentious. the contentious ones I'll outline here (you might need your copy)

1.1 Add "and vice versa"  - no big deal.

2.9.1 This one is about PD costs. We defined the "management fee" as being equal to the cost of running the PD, including the cost of their worker's time ($700 last time) and the cost of the online system (usually $22). We agreed that the split of the profits should be on a percentage basis negotiated separately every time, as factors such as who organises, who benefits, etc, vary. It was noted that when VITTA works on a PD with other orgs such as SLAV, VATE or ICTEV the profits are split 50/50.

We thought that in the event of a PD making a loss ( and Renee pointed out that they have not made a PD loss due to the programming budgeting and the key milestones they use to check numbers of participants at certain times before hand) the loss should be split in the same ratio as the profits were to have been split. (A cancelled PD will still have some costs associated eg worker time. )

6. Costs and Expenses. This was cut out as we could not understand it in any meaningful way. It related to "other " costs and expenses incurred.

Renee is going to re-type it with the alterations. We and VITTA have to agree with the changes before it goes ahead, of course.

Claire is going to report on the rest of the discussion which was on the SPP stuff. this email is too long anyway!

Thanks for sticking with me!












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