[vet-mm] Actionscripting or Javascript?

Jeanean Pritchard jpritchard at highview.vic.edu.au
Wed Jul 19 13:50:32 EST 2006

I teach actionscript. I used to teach director (and I like it)  but I
find with the limited amount of time the students have in the year, the
less they have to learn the better. So I pair up scripting and 2d
animation which means that they can understand flash really well, and
they tend to  actually enjoy what they do rather than feeling anxious
because there is so much to learn. The students tend to develop some
kind of depth in their tasks rather than just scratching the surface.

Jeanean Pritchard
Head of Arts
Highview Christian Community College
Maryborough Victoria
jpritchard at highview.vic.edu.au

>>> Stuart.Bush at wesleycollege.net 06/30/06 01:02pm >>>
Hi guys, What exactly is asked of the students in the Exam at the end
the year. I personally think Lingo is out dated and I agree with
that Director is old fashioned. It still has its place and Lingo is
probably a lot simpler than AS, but Flash does win the fight hands

I'm not a huge fan and I guess java could be covered in a IT cert or
something, but I myself have never touched on Java. I've found
ACTIONSCRIPT.org and FLASH KIT a great resource for Flash AS. Is there
one out there for Lingo anymore ? or how about Java ?


PS. A while ago I was talking to someone about a Job and they told me
that Director Lingo was a "must". Oh well....


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