[vet-it] documentation module in 3/4

Andrew Piper piper.andrew.j at edumail.vic.gov.au
Mon Feb 6 14:36:09 EST 2006

>From my experience all of the mentioned forms of technical documentation
below do appear each year on the exams.  They need to have an understanding
of what each represent, definition and be able to draw of design one if
needs be.  The essentials of IT book has some good examples.  However, don't
spend too much time as you may wish to incorporate technical documentation
into one of your portfolio or product pieces, depending on what you choose.

Hope this helps

Andrew J Piper

   Tyrrell College
PO Box 231
Sea Lake, VIC 3533
Ph:  03 5070 2106
Fax:  03 5070 1069
Mobile:  0438 400 553
piper.andrew.j at edumail.vic.gov.au
-----Original Message-----
From: vet-it-bounces at edulists.com.au [mailto:vet-it-bounces at edulists.com.au]
On Behalf Of john edwards
Sent: Monday, 6 February 2006 12:50 PM
To: vet-it at edulists.com.au
Subject: [vet-it] documentation module in 3/4

Hi all, 

Could someone please clarify what detail we need to teach documentation
tools like DFDs, systems flowcharts, algorithms and data dictionaries.

Do we simply brush over them and indicate their role or do we need to teach
them in some detail?


John Edwards
IT Co-ordinator
Gippsland Grammar, Sale

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