[Textiles and Technology] Textiles teachers - are you interested in VET Applied Fashion Design & Technology?
Laura Murphy
pl at datta.vic.edu.au
Wed Jun 17 03:30:15 UTC 2020
Hi everyone, hope you're all doing well.
DATTA Vic have teamed up with the Ripponlea Institute and VALA to establish a network on VET Applied Fashion, and we'd love to extend an invitation to you all to take part in our first virtual meet up.
It's on the 28th July from 4pm - 6pm. Everyone is welcome - whether you already teach VET in Schools, or if you're interested in vocational and applied learning.
Details are here - https://www.datta.vic.edu.au/content/webinar-vet-applied-fashion-network-pl2056
It's free, but registrations are essential - please share with your networks.
[cid:image002.png at 01D5FD4A.05B876C0]
Laura Murphy
Executive Education Officer
Abbotsford Convent
Room C1.22
Convent Building
1 St Heliers Street
Abbotsford VIC 3067
Phone: 03 9349 5809
Email: pl at datta.vic.edu.au<mailto:pl at datta.vic.edu.au>
Web: www.datta.vic.edu.au<https://aus01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.datta.vic.edu.au%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cbrooks.christopher.c%40edumail.vic.gov.au%7Ca8f192e2f5fa4e68c03708d7b5bfd154%7Cd96cb3371a8744cfb69b3cec334a4c1f%7C0%7C0%7C637177707795027466&sdata=%2FSHY558TquTnHX0X6b%2BBwSec4dXA8jD0RVRyc35GJOQ%3D&reserved=0>
Note I am working from home Monday - Wednesday.
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