[Textiles and Technology] VCE teacher survey

Laura Murphy pl at datta.vic.edu.au
Thu Aug 20 07:28:11 UTC 2020

Hi everyone, we understand that there are a lot of issues regarding carrying our prac work in VCE PD&T and Systems. DATTA Vic has put together this survey<https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/QPKVNQT> to collate these questions and identify the areas which need further clarification. We'd be very grateful if you could take a few minutes to complete it, and please do pass this on to colleagues who may not be a part of this forum.

Thanks in advance, and wishing you all well.


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Laura Murphy

Executive Education Officer


Abbotsford Convent

Room C1.22

Convent Building

1 St Heliers Street

Abbotsford VIC 3067

Phone: 03 9349 5809

Email: pl at datta.vic.edu.au<mailto:pl at datta.vic.edu.au>

Web: www.datta.vic.edu.au<https://aus01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.datta.vic.edu.au%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cbrooks.christopher.c%40edumail.vic.gov.au%7Ca8f192e2f5fa4e68c03708d7b5bfd154%7Cd96cb3371a8744cfb69b3cec334a4c1f%7C0%7C0%7C637177707795027466&sdata=%2FSHY558TquTnHX0X6b%2BBwSec4dXA8jD0RVRyc35GJOQ%3D&reserved=0>

Note I am working from home Monday - Wednesday.

From: destech <destech-bounces at edulists.com.au> on behalf of Rob Kayler-Thomson <Rob.Kayler-Thomson at geelongcollege.vic.edu.au>
Sent: Thursday, 20 August 2020 1:42 PM
To: destech at edulists. com. au (destech at edulists.com.au) <destech at edulists.com.au>
Subject: [Design and Technology] All in it together

Hi all thankyou all who have taken up cause of the issues will all face, I too support all, I too have only got back what had been reported back so cannot offer anything new to add from VCAA apart from the change in language re working from home ( were participable ) from must not work on their projects at home, by of course this excludes much with the safe use of materials and OHS guidelines for some materials, tools and equipment. I like you all have a issue with the comment with the Finished product ( no marks for ) yes but I contradicts the study design and outcomes used to get there. Lorraine’s point re S or N If they cannot meet the study design requirements for the unit, then there will be a lot of students get N as they have not meet all of the criteria and completing a finished product. The study design should be updated and changed to reflect comments that not all indictors need to be used.

I was going to retire late year after over 30 years in teaching all the levels of our great subject, May be I should have as this year has most upsetting to my students with the year of closure in many areas of year 12 they don’t get to have. But I still have that passion so I with you all and will keep going as one of the joys of this subject is to see them complete some amazing product, but not this year.

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Rob Kayler-Thomson

Teacher- Design and Creative Arts

Product Design & Technology

Phone: +61 3 52263111

PO Box 5, Geelong Vic 3220


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