[Textiles and Technology] RASV Art Craft and Cookery Competition preview junior schedule available

Compton, Leanne L compton.leanne.l at edumail.vic.gov.au
Mon Dec 14 16:16:05 AEDT 2015

The Royal Agricultural Show, Victoria (RASV) has released its 2016 Preview Junior Schedule<http://us3.campaign-archive2.com/?u=864a3dbcfa8f01c3deaa2e9e1&id=a34af38562&e=%5bUNIQID> for the Art Craft and Cookery Competition Junior Classes to assist teachers with their planning for the coming year.

This Preview Schedule contains only class information - the full schedule with supporter and prize information will be released in the New Year.

In response to feedback from the 2015 competition, RASV have also increased the Textile Design Classes and Art Classes so that comparable year levels are judged.

RASV will be also running Yarn Farm again in 2016 and are keen to involve a wide range of schools.  Schools are also encouraged to express their interest to be part of the Yarn Farm, an exhibition of knitted and crocheted yarn bombed animals on display at the Royal Melbourne Show.

For any enquiries, including interest in being involved in the Yarn Farm,  or to request more information, please contact Art, Craft & Cookery on 03 9281 7588 or email artcraftcookery at rasv.com.au<mailto:artcraftcookery at rasv.com.au>

Cheers, Leanne

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